Rev Podmore

The cap badge is that of the Royal Army Chaplains Department.

The Death of the Reverend Reginald T Podmore, Chaplain 4th Class, attached to III Corps Ammunition Park HQ.

During the 'phoney war', when the unit was based near the mining town of Bethune in northern France, the Rev. Podmore set up a small canteen for the troops.

The unit moved up into Belgium on the 17th May 1940. On the 21st the Rev. Podmore travelled back to the former HQ to pick up some stores, which had been left behind in the canteen. Having travelled some 30 miles he reached the town of Divion, whereupon his car was machine gunned by an SS unit advancing towards the coast. Rev. Podmore was hit in the legs and left bleeding by the side of the road. The SS men were unable or unwilling to render first aid and also prevented French civilians from nearby houses from helping him. One brave family insisted upon taking the padre into their house and made him as comfortable as possible on their sofa. They also hid his vestments and personal effects. However, without proper medical attention he died at 5pm that day.

When the SS commander learned of the family's action he ordered their imprisonment, pending deportation to Germany. However, the head of the family was the local mine manager and after his workers went on strike, the Germans were forced to release him and his family. After the war, the French family, who had tried to help Rev. Podmore returned his vestments and personal effects to his family. The Rev. Podmore is buried in Divion Communal Cemetery and the grave is regularly tended by Veteran Associations and townsfolk.

Bill Priest – BEF 1940 (The Rev. Podmore was his chaplain)



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