PM M1910

The PM M1910 (Pulemyot Maxima Model 1910) or as it is known in the west, the Russian M1910 Maxim machine gun, is based on the original design as patented and the licenced worldwide by Sir Hiram Maxim. The machine gun designed by Maxim formed the basis of virtually all heavy machine guns of the world's armies. As Maxim elected for a licenced production system, with the exception of the Vickers as used by the British, each country's varied slightly while the mechanism and mode of basic operation remained constant.

As the designation implies, the Russians adopted the Maxim in 1910 and elected to transport it on a wheeled mounting. Chambered in the Russian standard 7.62x54R, it had a crew of seven and fired at a rate of 450 rounds per minute. Following the standard Maxim design, they were water-cooled and belt-fed.

The M1910 Maxim was used throughout World War One and was still in service in 1939.

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