As a part of our collection, we have a number of items which do not fit squarely into any other section. These range from medals and their citations, awarded long after the actual events, through to items related to post-war old comrades associations.
How one views the events depends on one's source of information. In the UK, the operation has been accorded almost mythical status and is seen as a romanticised episode. In France, the different opinions depend on whether one has been exposed to first-hand accounts of the action, or of life under the Vichy government; the latter seems to prevail. In Germany, it is viewed as just a part of the wider narrative, albeit one tainted by the perspective of a larger post-war-imposed sense of guilt. This guilt can only be truly appreciated by other nations which have experienced being on the losing side.
To discover the Dunkirk movies, click here.
To view a flag of the Belgian Veterans Association, click here.
To view the Standard of the Associations Nationale d'Anciens Combattants Flandres Dunkerque 40, click here.
To view a flag of the Belgian Veterans Association, click here.
To view the Standard of the Associations Nationale d'Anciens Combattants Flandres Dunkerque 40, click here.